An NGO run by high school students
Engaging youth for a better world
Youth coming together to serve the society
Youth power can change the world
Conserve Food Campaign

Conserve Food Campaign

Do you know that hunger kills more people every year than the combined deaths caused by AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria? Today we have reached a point where the issue of “Food Wastage” has transformed into one of global importance. It is a concern which has severely affected the lives of the poor on this planet and it needs our urgent attention. Globally, we humans produce enough food to feed every single person dwelling on this planet but over one third of this food, an alarming 1.3 billion tonnes, is lost or wasted every year. Further, according to another statistic, 1 out of every 8 children dies from chronic undernourishment and hunger. But if we conserve the billions of tones of food that are wasted every year, then no one would remain hungry on this planet. Considering the importance of preserving food, Parvaah periodically organizes food conservation awareness campaigns in Delhi and Jaipur.

We believe that lost and wasted food signifies a wasted opportunity to feed the growing population of our planet. “Take what you want but eat what you take, because there are many out there starving for even the morsel thrown away.”---It is this idea that Parvaah wishes to etch in the minds of one and all.

Parvaah also conducts campaigns for collecting food grains for the needy, on a continuous basis, with the aim of accomplishing the vision-- “no one sleeps hungry”. We have teamed up with the Residents Welfare Associations of various colonies in New Delhi/ Pune for the same. As a part of the project, children go door to door in their vicinity once every month and collect fistfuls of food grains from the residents and then the amassed grains are distributed among the needy living in the nearby areas. Besides, we also provide Parvaah Grain cards, which entitle the holders to receive free grain packets on a monthly basis, to the underprivileged parents who send their kids to school.

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